nora gaertner-schallenberg

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week 3 of mats icb 2023 - STriking a pose

Poses week was so much fun. I took a lot of pictures of my daughter doing stuff, climbing things or just dancing, and I spent hours watching polar bear documentaries.

Learning about the importance of interesting poses took up most of my week, and finding a balance between simple poses like sitting, lying or standing and more expressive ones like jumping or dancing was very insightful. Another big part was, combining poses with facial expressions, and I spent hours watching my daughter playing, studying her facial expressions and movements.

One of the hardest parts was combining the little figure of Erin with the huge bear, while making their expressions readable and their movements energetic.

I dabbled in sketching a little but, because time is as ever of essence, I went right into drawing.

I submitted the two images at the bottom. You will notice, that my Erin character is still not as developed as I hoped for, but at this point I decided to revisit this issue later on, when the course is finished. I was confronted with the feedback, that I had to study more references for the movements and that my line work was a bit to soft, something I also felt while working on those pages.

I took this into account and tried to address it when I revised those pages. Overall, I was happy with my work, for that short amount of time and I took some notes on what to consider in the future:

  • Draw from references - a lot

  • Don’t crowd your page

  • Expressions must still be a clear read

  • More texture, less blur

This was my first time doing a poses / character sheet and I still feel pretty good about it. I will, of course, revise it and make it ready to go into my portfolio.

Stay tuned for the recaps of week 4 and week 5, and the final reveal of my revised pages.